All Day

Theophany of Our Lord, God and Savior, Jesus Christ

One of the oldest feasts in the East, it has been traced back to the beginning of the 2nd century. The Western Rite Church accepted this great Feast Day from the Eastern Rite Church in the 3rd century.

Synaxis of St. John

The glorious Prophet, Precursor and Baptist, who baptized Our Lord Jesus Christ in the River Jordan.


St. Dorotheus, Priest-Martyr, Bishop of Tyre, suffered banishment under Julian the Apostate A.D. 362 being 107 years of age.

St Akindynos & Others

SS. Akindynos, Pegasius, Aphdonius, Elpidephorus, and Anempodistus, Martyrs, suffered martyrdom for the Faith in Persia under King Sapor II about A.D. 345.

SS Galaction & Episteme

SS. Galaction and Episteme, a Christian husband and wife who were converted and baptized during a persecution, after which each retired into a monastery.  They confessed the Faith at Emessa in the reign of Decius, Emperor. SS. Patrobas, Hermias, Linus, … Continue reading

SS Onesiphorus & Pophryius

SS. Onesiphorus and Porphyrius, Martyrs.  Porphyrius was of the household of Onesiphorus spoken of by St. Paul in his 2nd Epistle to Timothy (2:16-18).  They preached the Gospel towards the close of the 1st century.  Tradition says they were tied … Continue reading

SS Menas, Victor, & Vincent

SS. Menas, Victor, and Vincent, Martyrs, suffered martyrdom A.D. 296. St. Stephenida, Martyr, endured death A.D. 213. Our venerable father, Theodore Studite, Confessor, Hegumen-Abbot. He resisted the Iconoclast Emperor at Constantinople, was banished four times, and ended his days in … Continue reading

St. John Chrysostom

Our holy father, St. John the Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, most famous of both the Greek and the Latin Church and one of the four great Doctors of the Orient, called "Golden-Tongued" because of his eloquence.  The Catholic Church honors … Continue reading

St. Matthew

St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist. His early Apostolic work was concerned with the Jews for whom he wrote his First Gospel in their own Aramaic tongue. He was martyred in Africa by fire.

St. Sabbas

Our venerable and divinely inspired father, St. Sabbas, Hegumen-Abbot.  He rendered great service to the Eastern Church against the Eutychian heretics.  He died at the age of 94 A.D. 532 in the reign of the Emperor Justinian the Great.